At the Art Institute, all animation students (and some Game Art students) are plopped into a handy dandy Anatomy class! Don't get me wrong, this is a very important class, but it's really weird to hear a classroom full of Animators talking about the scientific names for every part of the body! Our final for this class was to create some form of Anatomy book with a favored or made up humanoid character as it's star. We were to label the bones, musculature, and major systems of the body. For my character I picked one that had never been done in this specific teachers' class before. Mario! There was a challenge involved with this, Mario, for all his human qualities, is quite oddly shaped, therefore, I had to modify the shape of his skeleton! It was quite the adventure making everything fit where it was "supposed" to go! And, having had a Childrens' Illustration class at the same time, my idea turned from just a book to a Coloring Book! My teacher loved it enough that he had to make an extra copy for his son!
This is the just the cover and first page (above) but
this link will take you to the entire book!
Mario and Dr. Mario and Super Mario Font copyright Nintendo, all innard drawings copyright me.